Back docs > win2000 > moving and copying files/folders in windows 2000

Moving, copying, permissions, encryption, compression, shares... what happens when you move or copy files/folders in Windows 2000?  That's a big question.  It all depends on a variety of factors.  If you are not sure, just scan the tables below to find out what happens.

Needed Permissions
Before you move or copy files or folders you need the appropriate permissions:

Copying Files/Folders Create Files/Write Data and Create Folders/Append Data permissions for the destination folder.
Moving Files/Folders Same as the Copy permissions and Delete permissions for the source file/folder.

File/Folder Permissions

Copy within the same NTFS partition Inherit the permissions of the target folder
Copy between NTFS partitions or hard drives Inherit the permissions of the target folder
Move within the same NTFS partition Retain the permissions of the source folder
Move between NTFS partitions or hard drives Inherit the permissions of the target folder
Copying or Moving from NTFS partitions to FAT or non NTFS partitions removes all permissions.

Moving/Copying Shares

Copy within the same NTFS partition Not Shared, Inherit the permissions of the target folder
Copy between NTFS partitions or hard drives Not Shared, Inherit the permissions of the target folder
Note: when you copy shares, the original share retains it's shared status and permissions.
Move within the same NTFS partition Not Shared, Retains the permissions of the source folder
Move between NTFS partitions or hard drives Not Shared, Inherits the permissions of the target folder
Copying or Moving shares from NTFS partitions to FAT or non NTFS partitions removes sharing and all permissions.

Moving/Copying Encrypted Files/Folders

Copying an encrypted file/folder to a new location on the same or another NTFS partition retains the encryption.
Moving an encrypted file/folder to a new location on the same or another NTFS partition retains the encryption.
Copying an unencrypted file to an encrypted folder, the unencrypted file becomes encrypted.
Moving an unencrypted file to an encrypted folder, the unencrypted file remains unencrypted.
Copying or Moving an encrypted file/folder to a FAT or non NTFS partition removes the encryption.

Moving/Copying Compressed Files/Folders

Copying a compressed file/folder within a NTFS partition Inherits the compression state of the destination folder.  Compressed files can be uncompressed, uncompressed file can be compressed.
Copying a compressed file/folder between NTFS partitions Inherits the compression state of the destination folder.  Compressed files can be uncompressed, uncompressed file can be compressed.
Moving a compressed file/folder within a NTFS partition Retains the original compression state regardless of the destination folder's compression state.  An uncompressed file/folder moved to a compressed folder stays uncompressed.  A compressed file/folder moved to an uncompressed folder stays compressed.
Moving a compressed file/folder between NTFS partitions Inherits the compression state of the destination folder.  Compressed files can be uncompressed, uncompressed file can be compressed.
Copying or Moving a compressed file/folder to a FAT or non NTFS partition uncompresses the file/folder.
Note:  You cannot have a file/folder that is both compressed and encrypted.  It can only be one or the other.

